How to get a free audio book from

One of the best ways to expand your knowledge of Chinese medicine is to read books outside of class, but sometimes you just don't have the mental focus to read even more books on top of your textbooks. But did you know that there are certain audio books about TCM available?

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The Spark in the Machine

This book offers an explanation of how and why acupuncture works in the context of western anatomy and physiology. Keown uses fascia and embrology to explain channels, qi, and how acupuncture can achieve positive patient outcomes.

This book probably won't help you pass your boards, but it can give you some good ideas about how to explain acupuncture to your skeptical patients, as well as give you a different perspective on how Chinese medicine might work.

Get It Free with Audible Trial

How to Get this Book for Free:

So it turns out, if you sign up for a free trial of Audible they'll give you two free audio books. Even if you cancel your trial after the first 30 days, you still get to keep the book.

I think if you're a prime member they give you two free books; if you're not a prime member they just give you one. And again, you can cancel the trial before the 30 days, you still get to keep the book, and you end up paying nothing. Total win!

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