Herbs that Drain Fire
Which of the following herbs clears heat from all three jiao; for heat in the chest causing irritability, heat due to Liver constraint, jaundice and lin syndrome due to damp-heat, and bleeding due to heat in the blood?
Zhi Zi clears heat from all over and guides heat out through the urine. It clears heat and eliminates irritability, as in Zhi Zi Chi Tang. It clears heat due to Liver constraint, as in Jia Wei Xiao Yao San and Yue Ju Wan. It clears damp-heat to treat lin syndrome, as it Ba Zheng San. It clears damp-heat jaundice, as in Yin Chen Hao Tang. It cools the blood to stop bleeding, as in Shi Hui San.
Source: Chen, J. and Chen, T. (2004). Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. Art of Medicine Press. pp. 121 [Q365]