Heart Channel
Your patient presents with a red face, tightness in the chest, a loud voice, and a rattling sound in the throat. He seems confused, often muttering to himself or speaking incoherently. His tongue is red with a sticky yellow coat; his pulse is full, rapid, and wiry. You diagnose him with Phlegm-Fire Harassing the Heart. What point could you use to quickly clear excess and "revive consciousness"?
HT-9 is the Jing-Well point of the Heart channel. Jing-Well points are dynamic points that have a quick, strong effect. They revive consciouness, treat the upper end of the channel, and treat fullness below the Heart. They are often used to quickly clear excess.
Source: "Heart Patterns." The Foundations of Chinese Medicine, by Giovanni Maciocia, Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2005, p. 467. [Q47]