Getting Started is all about creating videos, audio lectures, notes, handouts, and practice tests so that you can learn the material, pass your tests, and heal your patients.

Not sure where to start? Click the option that most applies to you:

One of the biggest challenges when you're first starting in school is dealing with the overwhelming volume of information. The most important thing -- don't panic! After that, you need to figure out a study strategy that works for you.

Here is a series of videos I made to help you with the studying process:

You might want to also look at these study videos by Thomas Frank:

If you're just starting out, you'll probably want to look at the Introduction to Acupuncture section. This page covers the basics of channel theory.

If you're studying the channel pathways and point functions/indications, go to the Acupuncture Channels & Points section. This has material on each of the 12 channels, including videos, notes, cheat sheets, location videos, and practice tests.

Note: I'm still working on the acupuncture section, so I don't have all the channels up yet.

The Herbology portion of this website is broken up into several sections:

Intro to Herbology - This section covers the basics of herbs: taste, temp, channel, preparation. Then it goes through each of the categories, presenting the underlying theory and one major herb from each.

Herbology 1 - Covers the categories Herbs that Release the Exterior through Herbs that Drain Dampness.

Herbology 2 - Covers the categories Herbs that Dispel Wind-Dampness through Herbs that Regulate Blood.

Herbology 3 - Covers the categories Herbs that Tonify up through to the end.

If you're about to take your single herbs comps test, there are a few things here that can help you review:

Review of Herb Properties - This video goes over basic properties and gives examples of how to answer multiple choice test questions.

Herbology 1 Case Studies Test - Review all of the Herbology 1 herbs using case studies.

Category Matching Test - Practice matching individual herbs to their respective category. This is great to know when taking tests.

Herb ID Test - Practice indentifying herbs.

If you want to review ALL of the single herbs, I made review course that covers everything. It's $40 on

Click here to learn more about the Single Herbs Review Course.